ShinxCup S2 Champion 总冠军: The Rokugan Owners
@chickwayne 主办方给个直播解说群啊 不然应援都没地方
@yiyue bilibili关注「Separation 」
@chickwayne OK的,已经关注了呀 可我想和鸡哥一起看比赛
won ggs and sorry about luck, it was a really fun experience; thanks to the host and to separation for inviting me -
退役了,不过以后要是有机会,再一起玩吧 -
GGs everyone. Even though I didn't get to play in the finals I wanted to drop some words. Firstly, I would like to give a shoutout to the Chinese Pokemon community. When I joined this tournament, I expected it to be an easy ride as I thought that any communities that were not on Smogon were mediocre and unexperienced. I was very wrong though, after going negative in the beginning pool as well as watching some of the replays in the other series, I realized how good in a unique way the community is. You guys are really good and I genuinely mean it, it makes me happy to see that there are good Pokemon players in other communities. I would also like to give a shoutout to zerodragon and Chickwayne for the help with the scheduling between native and non-native speakers, that helped everyone out so much for sure. And lastly, I have to give a big shoutout to my boys of course, for being fun to talk to in the chat as well as really good players, don't need to name you all but you guys are the bomb and this entire tournament experience was really fun. Peace out and take it easy everyone!
BV1GR4y1x7cw -
@scale 呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜 你..你不要..不要退役啊呜呜呜呜呜
Thanks to the host for having us in this tour, it was a really fun ride. Having a chance to play with my friends is something i have always wanted, so appreciate it a lot. You guys host amazing tours, keep doing them. See you all around, peace.
"There was an idea, called the Avengers Initiative. The idea was to bring together a group of remarkable people, see if they could become something more. See if they could work together when we needed them to,to fight the battles we never could."
这是尼克弗瑞成立复仇者联盟的初衷。引入外国豪强,让我们国家最强的七人组成一队与之对抗,战胜他们,夺得未曾设想的荣耀,这是ShinxCup第二赛季的创办目标。毫无疑问,肥肥今晚吃什么 的七人 是我所能想象的最高战力,什么样的过程,什么样的结果,你们都是这个舞台的骄傲。
(1)大幅提高了奖励,让选手能按照自己设定的预期进行权衡:想出成绩,有丰厚的奖励在等你;喜欢和朋友一起玩,那也有不错的低保能领取。即无论是ShinxCup的初衷,抑或是本届的主题,各位选手都被给予了选择的空间。(2)引入了足够水平的外国选手并配套联系人, @玲珑 @卡米那 感谢我的两位联系人能够合理有效的与外国选手进行对接,同时也在办赛过程中提供了很大的帮助,可以说没有你们俩位在,本届比赛选手的参赛体验一定会有很大幅度的下降。同时也正如外国选手说的,我们国家有许许多多优秀的选手,但碍于各种条件没能出战Smogon的比赛,没法在更高的舞台上崭露实力。那么ShinxCup就是为了解决这种困境而设。我们提供资源,提供服务支持,你只需提供实力,就能和外国享负盛名的选手一战。
感谢大家支持,ShinxCup Season2的成功举办离不开各位的帮助。希望下一赛季我能看到玩得更开心,和变得更强的你们。
@scale 好的