Ctour 2 排位附加赛 Tiebreaks
The playoffs require a complete top-sixteen ranking order, so a tiebreak round is needed to come out the specific ranking. For the top fourteen players, this round is not necessary, but winning it will make you to versus a lower-ranked opponent in the first round of the playoffs. For the rest three players who are tied for fifteen place, your absence from this round may cause you to miss the playoffs due to the finally ranking of seventeenth place.比赛分级为B2W2 OU,ORAS OU,USM OU和SS OU各一场。如果打平则额外进行一场SS OU比赛。取得三场胜利的玩家获胜。
Play a first-to-three win of unique tiers of B2W2 OU, ORAS OU, USM OU and SS OU. If there's a tie after 4 games, play another SS OU as the fifth games.1st and 2nd bracket
@Metallica vs. @Chickwayne
4th and 5th bracket
7th and 8th bracket
@old_zhiming CF @vusty
9th and 10th bracket
@Scale vs. @晋文公
11th and 12th bracket
@Chaos23333 CF @shawyu
13th and 14th bracket
@咕咕能手 CF @让红莲燃烧一切
15th, 16th and 17th bracket
@devwin GW vs.@玲珑vs. @卡米那截止日期 北京时间11月29日23:59
Deadline is Sunday, Nov.29th, 23:59pm UTC+8申请延期请联系裁判 @折纸Kartana
Plase contact @折纸kartana for requesting an extension
Discord: ZZ13#5232请选手在比赛后自行保存replay并在比赛帖发表winpost(如果由于延迟问题无法上传可以选择下载replay),replay是判断比赛胜负的重要依据,选手有义务保存replay交给赛方,对于没有replay的比赛裁判有权宣判比赛无效。
建议在比赛开始时使用"/modchat player" ,围观人员尊重比赛,"观棋不语"
允许使用"/hideroom"让回放不被搜索到(方便Smogon比赛时不给他国对手信息), 但是必须保存回放链接交给裁判留存,没有保存录像的比赛结果一律无效。Please upload the replay after the game and reply as the win post(if you cannot upload due to delay, you can download the replay and upload to the forum). Replay is an important evidence for judging the result of the game. The player is obliged to save replays and post (but you can still hide or unlist the replay).
比赛对阵公布后请尽快与您的对手联系,不知道对手QQ时可以通过报名贴和论坛的私聊功能进行联系。联系不上对手时可在当轮的比赛贴中进行act post,以作为处理不出现玩家情况时的证据。
Please contact your opponent once the matchup is announced. If you don't know your opponent's QQ, you can use the post and the private chat of the forum to contact. If you can’t get in touch with your opponent, you can request an activity win in the match post of the current round as a proof when your oppoment is inactive.
When scheduling, please try to give a generous time as much as possible. If it's possible, you should prefer to play on weekends or the time you are confortable. -
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