【婉约词】adv ou mag teams
most mag offense rely on mag to trap skarm
if an opp uses yoloskarm, max max mag will lose
bulky mag isn't suitable for offense bc it can't revenge kill gross
timid mag has a complicated matchup against dd tar because although you can prevent lum tar from dding twice with twave, you don't do any damage first turn so meh I guess you're just catching mostly the lefties bulky ddtars. and timid nature lowers OHKO% for Standard Sp Def Skarm.
Magneton Offense is quite susceptible to opposing Skarmory to Dugtrio/HP Fire Magneton double switches, especially because the team composition really gives it away.
These days using mag is hard
各大比赛上,这个队伍的鲤鱼都在用睡觉,但鲤鱼要承担中转水怪的职责,如果前期就陷入睡觉状态会比较被动。电磁波没法直接辅助什么队友,就提供overall utility
wcop2019final等比赛中用的是诅咒卡比,但与队伍其他成员相性不如utility lax,这里带了清新对付诸如火焰鸟之类的鬼火,可是在其他情况下用处不大
大钢蛇的努力和技能可以调整,物攻多的话就岩崩>觉醒岩,速度也可以拉过一些utility lax
自从被双刀电鸟吊打之后,我在这种队伍里面塞了一只不符合队伍节奏的双刀电鸟,感觉还是血翼/钻孔啄钢鸟等更适合作为fighters的check。巨金怪可以换成物耐蜡笔,卡比可以换成快乐蛋,水君可以换成美纳斯/物耐水怪等等,但还是建议卡比/水君至少留一个作为win condition
附上一则rep,对手的txt在这篇team dump里可以看到,蜡笔也可以考虑精干等技能;血翼可以换成其他斗抗,也可以换成cb
Refresh mence is a way to deal with molt, though it’s not rly ideal. Twave Zapdos on this archetype can help deal with WoW gar.
180 spe on cele makes it outspeed molt. 148+ spe on cele makes it outspeed mence. atk evs let it hit gar hard with shadow ball.
236+ atk on gross makes MM ko ttar without bulk and eq ko dug without bulk. Tect Gross + Dual Intimidate is a cool idea.
With yoloskarm around, timid mag is a solution on offensive teams. 40 hp is for 252+ mag’s hp fire.