ShinxCup S2 Champion 总冠军: The Rokugan Owners
祝各位比赛好运,友谊第一比赛第二,给各位带来精彩的比赛! We wish all players have a good luck and have fun!
规则 Rules 国服赛事通用规则 General Rules in PS China
[比赛选手应互相尊重,友谊第一,比赛第二 Friendship first, competition second]
关于比赛约战 About pairing with your opponent
In QQ or Discord, we strongly recommend you to save a screenshot of the chat log when pairing with your opponent. See details in here. If your opponent ignores your messages, please contact your team leader for help.[关于使用替补 About subs]
If a starter player disappears without any advance notice, the team leader can replace him / her with a sub player. The sub player must NOT be a player who has played a match in the same week.计时器与掉线规则 About timers
[关于保存回放 About replays] 比赛期间,请不要勾选“Don't allow spectators”,也不要使用“/ionext” 指令。如果比赛房间被隐藏,请使用“/publicroom”指令公开房间。如果比赛房间不允许观众加入,请使用“/modjoin off”指令解锁。
Please do not choose "Don't allow spectators" and do not use "/ionext" instructions before a match. If your battle room is hiden, please use "/publicroom" to make it public. If spectators can't enter your battle room, please use "/modjoin off" to unlock it.建议在比赛开始时使用"/modchat #" ,围观人员尊重比赛,"观棋不语"
We recommend you to use "modchat #" at the beginning of the game. Spectators should respect players and should not say anything unnecessary during the game.
允许使用"/hidereplay"让回放不被搜索到(方便以后世界杯时不给他国对手信息), 但是必须保存回放链接交给队长留存。因为PS的回放储存地处于海外,还请在完赛后多次确认回放成功保存。 对于没有保存回放的比赛,国服比赛管理团队保留要求重赛的权利。
You can use "/hidereplay" to unlist your replays. However, you should save the replay link and make it available to your team leader. We may ask for a rematch if the replay is not saved.[关于分级变动 About tier changes]
All tier changes will not affect the tour after Monday 12:00pm each week. In other words, those tier changes will only impact following weeks.12.png -
ShinxCup 总决赛
Playoffs Grand-Final
The Rokugan Owners (4) vs (0) 肥肥今天吃什么
STOUR BO3: @Empo vs @gggiq280
STOUR BO3: @devwin vs @浪子
SSOU: Storm Zone vs @line38324 周日早11:30
SMOU: @haxrme vs @Scale
ORASOU: Ciro vs @vusty
BWOU: @Sayuze vs @让红莲燃烧一切 周六晚10
DPPOU: Heroic Troller vs @超超越越v 周六晚11:30恭喜 The Rokugan Owners 获得ShinxCup Season2 总冠军
Congratulations on the The Rokugan Owners winning the ShinxCup Season2 Grand Final
@chickwayne 主办方给个直播解说群啊 不然应援都没地方
@yiyue bilibili关注「Separation 」
@chickwayne OK的,已经关注了呀 可我想和鸡哥一起看比赛
won ggs and sorry about luck, it was a really fun experience; thanks to the host and to separation for inviting me -
退役了,不过以后要是有机会,再一起玩吧 -
GGs everyone. Even though I didn't get to play in the finals I wanted to drop some words. Firstly, I would like to give a shoutout to the Chinese Pokemon community. When I joined this tournament, I expected it to be an easy ride as I thought that any communities that were not on Smogon were mediocre and unexperienced. I was very wrong though, after going negative in the beginning pool as well as watching some of the replays in the other series, I realized how good in a unique way the community is. You guys are really good and I genuinely mean it, it makes me happy to see that there are good Pokemon players in other communities. I would also like to give a shoutout to zerodragon and Chickwayne for the help with the scheduling between native and non-native speakers, that helped everyone out so much for sure. And lastly, I have to give a big shoutout to my boys of course, for being fun to talk to in the chat as well as really good players, don't need to name you all but you guys are the bomb and this entire tournament experience was really fun. Peace out and take it easy everyone!