won ggs

devwin 发布的帖子
RE: 宝可梦龙之联赛2022 赛事说明及报名 CDL2022 Introduction & Player Signups
in SS OU
discord : devin#1814
gmt+3/gmt+5 -
RE: ShinxCup S2 Champion 总冠军: The Rokugan Owners
Thanks to the host for having us in this tour, it was a really fun ride. Having a chance to play with my friends is something i have always wanted, so appreciate it a lot. You guys host amazing tours, keep doing them. See you all around, peace.
RE: 宝可梦超级联赛 2021 赛事说明及报名 CPL2021 Introduction & Player Signups
in, g8ou.
discord:devin#7405 -
RE: 宝可梦龙之联赛2021 赛事说明及报名 CDL2021 Introduction & Player Signups
Name: devwin
Tiers Played: gen5ou,gen6ou,gen7ou,gen8ou
Preferred Time: depends